羿与河伯的传说是"羿"形象发生偏离,与后羿产生联结的分流点。与"羿"主流形象不够契合的非主流神话——羿与河伯、宓妃的故事——在后世的重述和建构下,逐渐剥离了羿的英雄属性。羿的英雄形象在这个故事中被建构,又开始产生偏离。羿的形象在与河伯的传说中发生偏离后仍不断展衍,对其英雄属性的解构趋于极端,从而导致了"后羿"这一历史化的极端形象的出现。羿与后羿并非是两个毫无关系的人物,虽二者故事传说时代有异,但仍可找到一些相似之处,且后羿的形象也存在被误解的可能。%The of Yi and Hebo is the point where the image of Yi and with Houyi。 The non- myth, which is not fit with the image of Yi, the story of Yi, Hebo and Fu Fei,his of Yi under the and of later 。

Yi's image is in this story and to 。 The image of Houyi is still after it from the of Hebo。 The of his tends to be神话传说中的人物河伯, which leads to the of the image of Houyi。 Yi and Houyi are not two 。 their and are in times,some can be found神话传说中的人物河伯, and the image of Houyi may be 。展开▼
